Anyway, I've decided that I'm going for A-levels. I calculated the total that my parents have to pay for the A-level offered in a International School, and it was a staggering of more than RM 30,000!! My God!! But I have parents who only want the best for me so my father willingly ( maybe not so )paid RM 500 for registration fees and I submitted the application form. Problem solved? Not really. Now, here's the problem. This International School had just started the A-levels program last year and I'm applying for the June intake. So, the number of students studying there are only a handful. I was told that for the June intake there was only 10 people who'd submitted their forms. And there was no telling that maybe some of them would want to pull out of the program if they received a scholarship from the government. There is a slight chance of the June classes being canceled for lack of students.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
After I graduated from high school last year, I've been wasting my months away just rotting at home, sleeping, watching television, starting a blog, watching videos from You Tube. Admittedly, I was avoiding decision-making. I avoided finding a part-time job, I avoided deciding what course I wanted to study. There was too many choices regarding where I was going next, Form 6? A-levels? Foundation? After some advice and pondering of what my future would be like, I decided on Pharmacy. But ( yes, there's always a 'but' ), it was not an easy course to study and a Pharmacy course is one of the most expensive courses offered. So, I guess I'll just have to work hard then.
Anyway, I've decided that I'm going for A-levels. I calculated the total that my parents have to pay for the A-level offered in a International School, and it was a staggering of more than RM 30,000!! My God!! But I have parents who only want the best for me so my father willingly ( maybe not so )paid RM 500 for registration fees and I submitted the application form. Problem solved? Not really. Now, here's the problem. This International School had just started the A-levels program last year and I'm applying for the June intake. So, the number of students studying there are only a handful. I was told that for the June intake there was only 10 people who'd submitted their forms. And there was no telling that maybe some of them would want to pull out of the program if they received a scholarship from the government. There is a slight chance of the June classes being canceled for lack of students.
So now I'll just have to attend Form 6 temporarily ( which I hate ). Sometimes I wish I could sum up the courage to earn some money and then take a year off to travel somewhere. Just like Australians.
Anyway, I've decided that I'm going for A-levels. I calculated the total that my parents have to pay for the A-level offered in a International School, and it was a staggering of more than RM 30,000!! My God!! But I have parents who only want the best for me so my father willingly ( maybe not so )paid RM 500 for registration fees and I submitted the application form. Problem solved? Not really. Now, here's the problem. This International School had just started the A-levels program last year and I'm applying for the June intake. So, the number of students studying there are only a handful. I was told that for the June intake there was only 10 people who'd submitted their forms. And there was no telling that maybe some of them would want to pull out of the program if they received a scholarship from the government. There is a slight chance of the June classes being canceled for lack of students.
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