Wednesday, 25 May 2011

18 going on 13 (or younger,it depends)

            It has started to dawn on me that I look too young for my age. Of course, if I were a 40-something-year-old woman, I would feel over the moon. But....I'm 18. I didn't realize this on my own, I had some help from some pretty ''observant''people. For example, I was at the gym the other day and my mom went to register our names. The guy sitting behind the desk asked my mom if I was 13 years old (under can do,children are not allowed in). When my mom said I was 18, he looked at my mother in disbelief and said:"I thought your daughter's only 13!!!" Do I really look that childish?

         I remember the tour guide in Thailand who thought I was 10 when I was, in fact, already 17 at the time. Trust me, there were many more incidents like that. OK, so I'm not the tallest girl in my class (151cm), nor am I big-sized. But surely my face would have given out some clues as to how old I am. Oh, but no...the tour guide in Indonesia said I look like a mere child not because of my height or built, but it was because of my face.Now that's worse. A childish face? Aw, COME ON!!! I guess I would have to shop in the old ladies clothing store next time just so I would look a teenee weenee bit older.

"Curse you if you still think I'm a kid"

         I think me looking too young for my age would come in handy in the future when I'm reaching my 40's. Maybe by 46 I would still look like a 36-year-old. If by 46 people still say I look 13, then something must be very wrong with me. Maybe I'm the solution to staying young forever. Then the scientists would be conducting experiments on me, and I would.....hold on, I'm letting my imagination get hold of me again.

          Anyway, I'm thinking that looking like a 13-year-old (or 10) has it's advantages too. I save money when buying tickets to zoos, theme parks and so on. The ticket sellers are fooled into thinking that I'm a kid that my parents are able to buy cheaper children tickets for me. Kudos to that. Enough said about my youth, I'm going to sleep in my crib now. Goodnight from this side of the world. 

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